Women's health in their 40s

Women's Health
Woman getting ready for her yoga practice.

Taking care of your mental health

In our 40s, reducing unnecessary stress becomes even more crucial as it can have a significant impact on our estrogen levels and brain function. It's important to be true to yourself and address your needs in order to maintain a healthy balance.

While general stressors like traffic, work deadlines and bills are inevitable, we can control how we react to them and the amount of extra stress we take on. This is especially important for women in their 40s who often find themselves in the sandwich generation, caring for both aging parents and their own children. Juggling these two responsibilities can be overwhelming and lead to sacrificing self-care.

Caregivers may also experience feelings of frustration, loneliness and resentment. It's important to recognize that the strain of caregiving is not just physical and emotional, but also mental, as caregivers struggle with the pain of not being able to meet everyone's needs. Prioritizing self-care and finding healthy ways to cope with stress can greatly benefit those in the sandwich generation.

Valerie Huff, LCSW, a psychotherapist at Main Line HealthCare Women's Emotional Wellness Center, talks about the importance for women to setting boundaries and taking care of yourself in your 40s.

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