Khalid Ridwan, MD

Headshot of Khalid Ridwan, MD
Cardiac Surgery, Heart and Vascular Care

As a dedicated cardiac surgeon, I am committed to providing exceptional patient care grounded in compassion and excellence. I understand that patients place immense trust in me to take of them, as do their families. This responsibility inspires me to deliver personalized, cutting-edge surgical solutions tailored to each patient’s needs and condition. Every procedure is planned with meticulous care, with the patient involved in every step of the process and decisions made together. I am devoted to achieving the best possible outcome while ensuring that each patient and their loved ones feel supported, informed, and confident in the care they receive.

Primary Practice:
Lankenau Heart Group
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English , Arabic, French

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Call 484.476.8032 for appointments or additional information.

Areas of care


Lankenau Heart Group

100 East Lancaster Avenue
Lankenau Medical Center, Heart Pavilion, Mezzanine Level
Wynnewood, PA 19096

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Khalid Ridwan, MD

Dr. Ridwan is a cardiac (heart) surgeon with expertise in advanced and innovative treatments for diseases of the heart valves and aorta. Specializing in minimally invasive surgery, Dr. Ridwan uses cutting-edge techniques that require only small incisions, ensuring shorter recovery times and less patient discomfort. His proficiency extends to transcatheter and endovascular procedures, where small devices are carefully guided through veins or arteries to treat complex cardiovascular conditions. With a particular focus on mitral valve disease, Dr. Ridwan is dedicated to delivering comprehensive care to patients with all forms of valve disease.

English , Arabic, French
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Education and Training


  • Medical School
    Faculty of Medicine at King Abdulaziz University – Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - 2010
  • Residency
    Cardiac Surgery, McGill University Health Center – Montreal, Quebec - 2022
  • Fellowship
    Structural Heart Transcatheter Interventions, Lankenau Medical Center - 2024
  • Fellowship
    Minimally Invasive and Advanced Cardiac Surgery, Lankenau Medical Center - 2023
  • Master's
    Experimental Surgery, McGill University – Montreal, Quebec - 2015

Awards and Memberships

  • American Heart Association
  • Canadian Cardiovascular Society
  • Canadian Society of Cardiac Surgeons
  • International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Society of Thoracic Surgeons

Patient Reviews

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