Stroke Rehab

What is stroke recovery rehab and complex stroke treatment?

For complex stroke treatment we work with patients and their families to design therapy programs customized to specific goals. We care for more than 600 patients recovering from stroke every year and our intensive stroke recovery rehab program is certified and accredited by several national health care organizations.

The team at Bryn Mawr Rehab excels at using traditional and nontraditional modalities, a tireless creativity that translates into 99 percent of our stroke inpatients meeting the goals they've set with their care managers, upon discharge.

Inpatient stroke recovery rehab is at Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital in Malvern, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia, and outpatient stroke recovery is at our Exton Square location.

Inpatient stroke recovery rehab

When stroke patients arrive at Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital—generally from acute-care hospitals—the main focus is on restoring mobility. The body and brain are ready to recover, so we make sure patients are out of bed and active during their rehab stay. In fact, we make sure our stroke recovery rehab patients participate in a minimum of three hours of intensive rehabilitation therapy for five out of seven days. The most rapid improvement usually occurs in the first few months after the stroke, so we develop unique stroke treatment and therapy plans that help patients immediately build on their strengths and learn to compensate for limitations.

The average inpatient stay for a stroke patient is just under three weeks. Upon discharge, 61 percent of stroke survivors were able to return home.

Our stroke inpatients benefit from:

  • Board-certified rehabilitation physicians and 24-hour rehabilitation nursing care
  • Patient rooms, therapy gym and family areas in a unified area
  • Nursing stations located nearby with optimal sight lines to patient rooms

Many patients discharged from the Stroke Recovery Program can perform most of their daily tasks on their own and require only minimal assistance to complete the tasks.

Most stroke patients at Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital are over the age of 65.

For stroke patients under the age of 50, we offer a Young Stroke Program. This program emphasizes relearning the skills required for these younger individuals to return to living as independent a lifestyle as possible—including learning skills needed for returning to work and resuming daily responsibilities.

View our patient outcome report

Since stroke patients often have low physical capabilities, many of our therapies focus on conserving energy and building physical tolerance for walking, exercise and the tasks of daily life. For some patients, we retrain them to walk by using a harness system that safely suspends them above a low-speed treadmill. When a patient is ready, we provide access to a fully equipped kitchen and simulated living areas for patients to practice skills they'll use when returning home.

Since stroke patients may experience confusion or difficulty adjusting to their new limitations, Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital is equipped with specialized safety equipment that reduces risk of injury, including an electronic WanderGuard® Locating System, net enclosures around beds, seat belts and bed alarms.

Inpatient therapies and services include, but are not limited to:

Inpatient stroke support group

Led by a psychologist, this group is open to stroke survivors in our inpatient units. Family members are also welcome. The group focuses on adjustment issues for patients and their loved ones following a stroke.

The inpatient stroke support group meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00–3:30 pm in the Oak Unit Dining Room. For more information, call 484.596.5430.

Bryn Mawr Rehab - This is Kate

Outpatient stroke recovery rehab

After an inpatient stay, many patients may benefit from continued treatment on an outpatient basis. We offer several specialized outpatient stroke recovery rehab services:

Brain injury/stroke survivor support group

This support group welcomes survivors of brain injury and stroke. The group is co-facilitated by a neuropsychologist and a certified rehabilitation nurse with a focus on increased independence and adjustment to life after a brain injury or stroke. Emphasis is on open discussions amongst group members for support, networking and resource sharing. Experts and community leaders are invited to speak throughout the year.

The brain injury/stroke survivor support group meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 5:00–6:30 pm in the Administration Building, Conference Rooms 1–4. For more information, contact 484.596.5430.

Brain injury/stroke caregiver support group

Facilitated by members of our rehab team, this group welcomes caregivers of brain injury and stroke survivors. Family members learn how to cope with their loved one's injuries and adjusted lifestyles.

The brain injury/stroke caregiver support group meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 5:00–6:30 pm in the Administration Building, Second Floor, Board Room. For more information, contact 484.596.5430.

Family involvement

During their inpatient stay, patients work with our team of experts to re-learn important life skills like eating, walking and getting dressed. We often involve patients' families in this training, so they can learn how to help their loved one accomplish tasks as needed. For those traveling long distances, we offer comfortable on-site family accommodations—available with reservations. Families with a loved one participating in outpatient rehab are often invited to participate in therapy sessions as well. We find that family support and encouragement is a critical part of the recovery process.

Related specialties

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

With three locations in the western suburbs of Philadelphia, we’re sure to offer pelvic floor rehabilitation near you. Our pelvic floor PTs treat pelvic floor conditions in men and women and we’re able to offer comprehensive treatments for these sometimes complex conditions.

Vestibular Therapy

At Bryn Mawr Rehab we help patients with chronic or acute dizziness and vertigo get back to active, normal living. With several outpatient locations in the western suburbs of Philadelphia, there’s sure to be a vestibular therapist near you.

Horticultural Therapy Center

Getting well doesn’t just happen from a hospital bed or inside a gym. Sometimes, letting patients get back to nature is the key to physical and psychological recovery.

Sports Medicine Rehab

As part of our specialized treatment for each athlete, sports injury rehab includes use of therapies and training exercises that not only mimic the demands of your sport but also address the unique conditions of the specific position you play within your sport.

Neurological Rehab

Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital offers an extensive, progressive neurologic outpatient rehabilitation program for patients who may be able to function on their own, but wish to function even better.

Equestrian Therapy

Equine-assisted therapy provides physical as well as cognitive benefits for a person’s recovery. As the horse walks, the repetitive swinging motion helps to improve the person’s balance, coordination and strength and muscle tone through the trunk and legs. Cognitive skills improve because riding requires balance, stability, timing and planning.

Hand Therapy

A hand therapy specialist is well-versed in a variety of methods and works to develop a personalized regimen for the unique needs of every patient. Our patients come from all walks of life—from young athletes to long-term arthritis sufferers to accidental burn victims.

Physical Therapy

Each inpatient and outpatient physical therapy rehab is individually designed and administered by a licensed physical therapist who consistently guides you from that first visit all the way through recovery.