Concussion Treatment Approach
A team of concussion specialists and comprehensive concussion testing
Here are some examples of the tests for concussion we use:
- ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) – This is a widely used, scientifically validated neurocognitive test used for patients ages 12 to 59 to objectively measure neurocognitive skills, including attention span, memory, reaction time and problem solving. ImPACT is used by sports teams, schools, corporations and clinics, and it requires someone who is specially trained to administer and interpret the results. At Bryn Mawr Rehab a physician or psychologist reviews the results.
King-Devick scanning activities - Computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) – This is a test used to assess the sensory and motor components of balance by having the patient stand on a Neurocom Balance Master that moves and exposes the patient to different types of visual and surface inputs to measure how well the patient can react and remain stable. The test is administered by a physical therapist.
Once concussion treatment has begun, we take a balanced approach to recovery. Concussion recovery time is different for each patient and depends on concussion severity as well as the individual’s own healing process. We identify specific issues that affect learning, concentration and functionality, and we suggest modifications to accommodate the patient’s needs. In cases where full function is unlikely to be restored to pre-injury levels, we teach patients how to do things differently and provide strategies on how to compensate in those areas.