Medical Weight Loss Options

A weight management program to support your lifestyle, goals and budget

Once you’ve met with our Main Line Health Comprehensive Weight and Wellness Program bariatrician and discussed the results of your clinical assessment, together you’ll explore your medical weight loss options. For some patients, a customized weight loss program is more suitable while for others a comprehensive (and more intensive) approach makes more sense.

Call 484.476.6230 now for consultation

Custom weight loss plan

The customized weight loss program is primarily managed by the bariatrician, with a focus on nutrition, behavior, physical activity and accountability. You’ll meet with the bariatrician as well as with a registered dietitian to assist with meal planning. Depending on your own preferences, you may opt for additional services such as:

  • Pre/post evaluation and exercise plan by exercise physiologist
  • Medically supervised meal replacement options (up to two meals/day)
  • Weekly educational classes and optional weigh-ins
  • Support groups
  • Emotional wellness evaluation and counseling

Duration: Flexible, depending on your needs and preferences.

See flexible cost and payment options and be sure to talk with the doctor about a plan that works for you.

Comprehensive weight loss plan

The comprehensive weight loss plan is a lifestyle program primarily managed by the bariatrician with a focus on nutrition, behavior, education, physical activity and accountability. Your program will include:

  • One visit per month with bariatrician
  • One visit per month with registered dietitian to assist with meal planning
  • Weekly educational classes and weigh-ins
  • Pre/post evaluation (including body composition and metabolic assessment) and exercise plan by exercise physiologist
  • Emotional wellness evaluation

You may also opt for additional services such as medically supervised meal replacement (up to four meals/day) and support groups.

Duration: 12 weeks

See flexible cost and payment options and be sure to talk with the doctor about a plan that works for you.

Continuation weight loss and lifestyle plan

This is a continued lifestyle program to support your healthy weight loss and maintenance, with a focus on nutrition, behavior, education, physical activity and accountability. Your program will include:

  • One visit per month with bariatrician
  • One visit per month with registered dietitian
  • Biweekly educational classes

You may also benefit from additional (optional) services such as medically supervised meal replacement options, evaluation and exercise plan by an exercise physiologist, and support groups.

Duration: 12 weeks

See flexible cost and payment options and be sure to talk with the doctor about a plan that works for you.

Get started now with a consultation.* Call 484.476.6230.

* This consult is covered by most insurances.