Hamstring Muscle Strain Injury

What is a hamstring muscle strain injury?

The hamstring muscles that help you extend your leg straight back and bend your knee, run down the back of the thigh. They are a common place for injury, especially among athletes who participate in sports that require sprinting such as track, soccer and basketball, but can also affect runners and skaters.

A hamstring injury can be a pull or strain, partial or complete tear and occur most often in the thick part of the muscle or where the muscle fibers join the tendon fibers. In the most severe hamstring injuries, the tendon tears completely away from the bone, and may even pull a piece of the bone away with it. This can happen when there is a large sudden overload on the muscle.


Most hamstring injuries heal with nonsurgical treatment and physical therapy after the pain and swelling have settled down. However, the more severe injuries require surgery to repair a tear.

Non-Surgical Orthopaedic Treatments

Some orthopaedic conditions are first treated with non-surgical procedures followed by surgery as the next step.

Orthopaedic Surgery

Orthopaedic Rehab

As one of the most extensive programs at Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital, our primary focus is to help patients build strength, mobility and endurance for a variety of orthopaedic conditions.

Hamstring Tendon Repair

Uses the same specialized equipment used for hip arthroscopy, without the traction, to repair tears in the tendons of the hip.


Sports Medicine

If you’ve had a sports-related injury or have a condition that’s keeping you out of the game, our sports medicine expert physicians and specialists are here to help you get back to doing the things you love.

Pain Management

Discover how Main Line Health experts serve Philadelphia by treating a wide range of conditions, including back, neck and oncology-related pain.