Vicki McLorie, CRNP

Headshot of Vicki McLorie, CRNP
Internal Medicine, Primary Care

I believe in developing a collaborative relationship with my patients, creating a personalized strategy to help them achieve their goals. I want to empower patients to make informed decisions about their health choices and wellness plan. I am a strong believer in preventive medicine and patient education. I am passionate about leading a healthy lifestyle and to be an example for my patients regarding weight management, diet and exercise.

Primary Practice:
Main Line HealthCare Primary Care in Westtown
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1601 McDaniel Drive, Suite 50, West Chester, PA 19380
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Internal Medicine


Main Line HealthCare Primary Care in Westtown

1601 McDaniel Drive
Suite 50
West Chester, PA 19380

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Vicki McLorie, CRNP

Vicki McLorie, CRNP is an adult-health certified registered nurse practitioner specializing in internal medicine and primary care. Vicki attended West Chester University for her undergraduate studies and master's degree and Temple University where she received her nurse practitioner certification. She has worked in primary care and internal medicine since 1998. She is dedicated to providing exceptional patient care in a compassionate manner. She has a special interest in women's health and can provide routine gynecological care for her patients. In Vicki's spare time, she enjoys staying physically active with regular exercise like running, hiking, and weight training. She also enjoys cooking/baking and spending time with her husband and three children.

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Education and Training


  • Master's
    Nursing, West Chester University - 1995

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4.9 out of 5 with 428 ratings and 82 comments
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