Kar-Lai Wong, MD

Headshot of Kar-Lai Wong, MD
Electrophysiology, Cardiovascular Disease, Heart and Vascular Care

The role of the Lankenau Heart Group physician is one of both educator and healer, with the focus to treat each individual patient to improve longevity and quality of life. Not every patient needs to be treated in the same way, and our physicians take the patient's preference into account when tailoring a personalized course of treatment for them. We believe it is key to listen to our patient and their family members to make sure they have a complete understanding of their cardiac illness as well as their treatment options. For the best possible outcome, it is valuable for both the patient and their family to have a voice in the patient's care and be invested in their treatment plan.

Primary Practice:
Lankenau Heart Group
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English , Cantonese, Mandarin
Patient Reviews:

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Areas of care


Cardiovascular Disease

Internal Medicine


Lankenau Heart Group

100 East Lancaster Avenue
Lankenau Medical Center, Heart Pavilion, Mezzanine Level
Wynnewood, PA 19096

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Lankenau Heart Group

1015 Chestnut Street
Suite 1402
Philadelphia, PA 19107

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Lankenau Heart Group

7114 Ridge Avenue
Ivyridge Shopping Center
Philadelphia, PA 19128

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Kar-Lai Wong, MD

I had all of my training at Hospital of University of Pennsylvania including internship and fellowship. I continue to be engaged in clinical researches. I am among the first to implant resynchronization devices and am proficient in complicated ablation procedure including atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. I also speak fluent Chinese. I continue to serve the need of Asian community by having an office located in downtown Philadelphia.

Years Experience:
English , Cantonese, Mandarin
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Education and Training


  • Medical School
    University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
  • Residency
    University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
  • Fellowship
    University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
  • Fellowship
    , University of Pennsylvania Medical Center

Awards and Memberships

  • Heart Rhythm Society
  • Fellow - American College of Cardiology
  • American College of Physicians
  • Pennsylvania Medical Society

Patient Reviews

Overall Rating

4.9 out of 5 with 192 ratings and 30 comments
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