Mirmont Outpatient Services
Mental and emotional well-being are integral to living a healthy and fulfilled life. When individuals suffer with mental illness or substance use disorders, it impacts every aspect of their lives, as well as the lives of those around them. In the increasingly complex world in which we live, it’s more important than ever to be able to rely on accessible, affordable, behavioral health services.
Our Mirmont Outpatient Centers in Broomall, Exton and Media serve patients, 14 years of age and older, who have mental health concerns and substance use disorders.
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Outpatient addiction treatment near you
At our Mirmont Outpatient Centers we treat patients suffering from substance abuse and mental health disorders using a holistic, comprehensive approach to care with treatment plans tailored to individuals' needs. The outpatient addiction treatment team consists of a medical director who is a board-certified psychiatrist, and may include a variety of addiction therapists and nurses.
Outpatient addiction treatment allows patients to continue to meet the obligations of work, school or family while also focusing on recovery from drugs and alcohol. Depending on the severity of addiction, a person’s life circumstances, and whether medical care is needed during detox and recovery, outpatient treatment may be an appropriate option. And with locations in Broomall, Exton and Media, there’s likely outpatient addiction treatment near you.
In a group environment led by a skilled facilitator, patients meet weekly and are supported by others who are learning to live life without drugs and alcohol. Patients in outpatient addiction treatment are able to apply what they’ve learned to their daily lives while continuing to live in their own homes and be supported by friends and family.
Outpatient drug and alcohol group therapy
Our group therapy sessions offer a safe and comfortable environment in which to explore issues that many patients experience while recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, including:
- Broken relationships or family problems due to addiction
- Stress, anxiety or depression
- Physical and emotional trauma
- Other life issues
We also help patients:
- Recognize denial and negative mental processes
- Identify triggers that lead to drug and alcohol abuse, or relapse
- Practice new skills to build and restore self-esteem
- Apply techniques to better manage the stresses of life
- View recovery as a lifelong process
Patients can enter drug and alcohol treatment as an outpatient, or can continue outpatient services after completing inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation. We also offer an intensive outpatient program for patients who require more concentrated drug and alcohol recovery and support while living at home. Patients are assessed based on history of drug and alcohol addiction and current use of drugs and alcohol to determine the most appropriate level of care for their needs.
Mirmont Treatment Center's outpatient facilities
Outpatient mental health treatment near you
At our Mirmont Outpatient Centers, we provide personalized partial hospitalization programs (PHP) and intensive outpatient programs (IOP) for individuals 14 years and older with psychiatric and emotional disorders. The group programs are designed to serve those who need the structure and clinical intensity found in inpatient psychiatric programs, but who do not require 24-hour inpatient care.
We offer our patients:
- Daily group therapy
- Coping skills-based groups
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)
- Solution-focused groups
- Medication management
- Family meetings
- Creative/expressive therapy
- Education coordination
- Personalized treatment and after-care plans
- Trauma-informed care
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