
What is a hysteroscopy?

Many women suffer from problems of the uterus, such as heavy or irregular vaginal bleeding, fibroids or endometriosis. In addition to pelvic pain and discomfort, problems of the uterus may also lead to infertility and miscarriage. When diagnostic tests such as blood tests or ultrasound are not enough to determine the condition, your doctor may use hysteroscopy to view the inside of your uterus. 

Hysteroscopy helps a doctor to see and diagnose conditions such as fibroids, polyps, endometriosis and congenital (since birth) problems with the shape of your uterus. During hysteroscopy, your doctor inserts a thin, lighted tube into your vagina and through the opening of your cervix in order to see the inside of the uterus. Your doctor can also see the lining of the cervix and the openings of the fallopian tubes.

If needed, your doctor can perform minimally invasive surgical procedures during hysteroscopy. This is called hysteroscopic surgery. Examples of surgery performed using hysteroscopy include uterine biopsy and hysteroscopic myomectomy.

It is very rare to have complications from hysteroscopy; however, there is an extremely low risk of medical instruments perforating the uterus or infection of the uterus or surrounding pelvic organs. The gynecologic specialists at Main Line Health have years of experience performing hysteroscopy. We will explain every step of the procedure in detail so you feel comfortable having hysteroscopy.


Women's Health

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Whether you’re seeing us for common gynecological problems or seeking out advanced therapies and the very best surgical expertise, our physicians, board-certified are here for in gynecology, are here for you every stage of your life from adolescence through the childbearing years into menopause and beyond.

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Our board-certified gynecologists are dedicated to serving you at every stage of your life, from adolescence to menopause and beyond. Whether you need treatment for common gynecological issues or advanced therapies and surgical expertise, we're here to provide comprehensive care and support.