Breast lift and mastopexy

Restoring a youthful appearance to breasts, a mastopexy or "breast lift," reduces sagging and can correct other aesthetic breast issues without significantly changing the cup size of your breasts.
If you maintain a stable weight and your sagging breasts trouble you, you might consider a breast lift. Breast lifts can also help if your areolas are enlarged, you have breast asymmetry, or your nipples point downward.

What to expect with a breast lift procedure

Mastopexy is outpatient surgery so you can expect to go home the same day. Follow-up appointments will take place one week, one month and six months after the procedure to make sure your recovery is progressing well and you are happy with the results.

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation can help you feel more confident if you're unhappy with the size of your breasts in general, or after pregnancy or weight loss, and as you age. It can also help when your breasts are of different sizes and you want them to be more symmetrical. We will discuss implant options, different incision locations to minimize permanent visible scarring, and the size that will best deliver the results you want.

What to expect with a breast augmentation procedure

Breast augmentation is outpatient surgery so you can expect to go home the same day. We will call you that evening to check on you and answer any questions. Follow-up appointments will take place one week, one month and one year after the procedure to make sure your recovery is progressing well and you are happy with the results.

Breast reduction

Breast reduction surgery can help if you feel your breasts are too large for your frame, or if you experience back, neck or shoulder pain, or rashes underneath your breasts. Breast reduction can be performed during adolescence or any time after. With breast reduction, we remove extra breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to reduce the size of the breast and lift the breast up at the same time.

What to expect with a breast reduction procedure

Breast reduction is outpatient surgery, so you can expect to go home the same day. In this type of procedure, drains are typically NOT used. Follow-up appointments will take place two weeks, one month and six months after the procedure to make sure your recovery is progressing well and you are happy with the results.

Contact us today to talk about how we can help you feel confident, healthy and beautiful. Call us to schedule a personal and confidential consultation with Dr. Rose at 484.337.5250 or Dr. Wright at 610.627.4427.