SculpSure® fat reduction

If you have fat that is tough to burn no matter how much you diet and exercise, genetics may be overriding your arduous attempts to lose stubborn fat. SculpSure's light-based body-contouring system treats areas of stubborn fat to help you achieve the shape you want in just 25 minutes, with zero downtime.

What to expect with a SculpSure procedure

We can usually offer same-day SculpSure consultation and treatment. During the treatment, you will only feel a warm heating sensation due to the fat being destroyed. You may feel a little sensitivity in the area after the procedure, but you will leave the office with no restrictions. Over the next several weeks fat cells "melt away" and the contour of your body improves. A follow-up appointment will take place six to 12 weeks after the treatment to check on your progress.

SmartLipo® and laser lipo

Liposuction is a minimally invasive technique where fat is removed using a tube and cannula. Adding laser treatment to liposuction may reduce pain, bruising and swelling, resulting in a faster recovery. Laser lipo adds skin tightening over time, with the maximum effect at three months. While the abdomen and love handles are the most common areas treated, thighs, arms, back, hips, chest and legs can also be treated.

Smartlipo Triplex® can help reshape your look by removing fat with minimal downtime and less pain than traditional liposuction. Smartlipo delivers energy underneath the skin, "melting" fat and tightening skin to achieve the shape you desire.

What to expect with a Smartlipo or laser lipo procedure

During this procedure you are awake but typically relaxed with an oral medication. You will not be able to drive home if you take the oral medication. Another option is to have laser liposuction performed under local anesthesia, allowing you to drive. If you choose this method, you may experience some occasional poking and pinching.
After the procedure you will wear a foam dressing for about a week, followed by a compression garment for about six weeks. The final result can take six months to a year, but you will see an immediate difference.

Contact us today to talk about how we can help you feel confident, healthy and beautiful. Call us to schedule a personal and confidential consultation with Dr. Wright at 610.627.4427.

Mommy makeover

The mommy makeover targets three areas many women would like to enhance after having a baby. A typical mommy makeover includes:

  • Breast lift
  • Tummy tuck
  • Other breast fixes, abdominal improvements and facial treatments

The procedures are safely done at the same time so you have just one recovery period (and lower cost), getting you back to your usual activities more quickly.

Thigh enhancement

The thighs can be a problem area, usually because you would like to reduce their size or you've lost a lot of weight and have excess skin. We have a variety of techniques to improve the look of your thighs, from noninvasive fat reduction through SculpSure to a surgical thigh lift.

A thigh lift is usually performed through an incision in the groin line where skin and fat are removed to lift up the thigh. After massive weight loss, more skin may need to be removed which will involve an incision down the leg. If the problem area is smaller, laser liposuction can be performed to remove fat and tighten the skin through small liposuction incisions. Laser lipo and SculpSure are performed safely while you are awake in the office. A thigh lift is a surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia.

Contact us today to talk about how we can help you feel confident, healthy and beautiful. Call us to schedule a personal and confidential consultation with Dr. Rose at 484.337.5250 or Dr. Wright at 610.627.4427.