Young Adult Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Mirmont Outpatient Center in Broomall provides a mental health Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for young adults ages 18-25. Meetings are held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 12:00 pm– 3:00 pm. In light of COVID-19, IOP group meetings will be held virtually until deemed safe to occur in person.

The IOP will be geared towards helping young people who may be facing various pressures and stressors during this transitional phase of life. It will focus on addressing challenges specific to young adults facing new responsibilities of “adulting” and being successful in their day-to-day lives. Some of the areas in which the IOP will be focusing on helping individuals are:

  • Developing healthy and adaptive coping skills
  • Identifying life goals
  • Fostering skills necessary for independent living
  • Gaining mutual support from peers of the same age
  • Increasing awareness of mental health issues
  • Decreasing patterns of isolating behaviors

For more information about the Mirmont Outpatient Center in Broomall’s IOP program or for an assessment, call us at 1.888.CARE.898 (227.3898).