Clinical Trials

Clinical Trial Number: EA2185

Comparing Two Methods to Follow Patients With Pancreatic Cysts

The purpose of this study is to compare the two approaches for monitoring pancreatic cysts. The study doctors want to compare more frequent monitoring vs less frequent monitoring in order to learn which monitoring method leads to better outcome for patients with pancreatic cysts.

Eligibility Criteria


  • Patient must be ≥ 50 years and ≤ 75 years of age.
  • Patient must not have acute pancreatitis or a history of chronic pancreatitis.
  • Patient must have received a CT, MRI, or EUS within 6 months prior to randomization that revealed one or more ≥ 1 cm pancreatic cyst (s).
  • Patients of childbearing potential must not be known to be pregnant.

  • Patient must not have a prior diagnosis of pancreatic malignancy of any type.
  • Patient must not have a history of pancreatic resection.
  • Patients with only pancreatic lesions without malignant risk (pancreatic pseudocyst or classic serous cystic lesion) are not eligible.
  • Patient must not have a family history of pancreatic adenocarcinoma in one or more first degree relatives(biological parents, full siblings or children).
  • Patient must not have pancreatic cyst morphology that would prompt immediate surgical consideration (enhancing mural nodule, solid component in cyst, pancreatic duct ≥10mm, cyst causing obstructive jaundice).
  • Patient must not have a comorbid illness that precludes pancreatic cyst resection.
  • Patient must not be participating in any form of pancreatic cyst surveillance.