Virtual Welcoming Baby

Childbirth Education
Remaining Seats:

The Main Line Health childbirth education team will discuss topics such as selecting a pediatrician, caring for your newborn, recommended newborn immunizations, readying your home for your baby, feeding, safe sleep practices and when to call the pediatrician. You'll learn helpful hints about understanding your newborn and gain important information about car seats, infant safety, poison prevention, choosing baby furniture and much more. 
Grandparents are welcome to attend! Only one webinar registration is needed. The webinar link provided at registration will allow access on multiple devices.
This webinar does not provide instruction on infant CPR. Infant CPR classes are offered by the American Red Cross or through Main Line Health at Riddle Hospital. In-person instruction on bathing and diapering will be provided during your hospital stay. We will begin promptly at the start time to ensure we are able to provide the presentation in its entirety and answer any questions you may have. Registration is required. 

Event Information


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